Elegant-Grunge-Mod, Customized Version of the WordPress Theme

The WordPress theme Elegant Grunge originally designed by Michael Tyson has lots of functionality and has a simple yet sophisticated look… but I felt the original version was using up a lot of screen area for no good reason and there were lot of scrolling needed to be done for the user. Along with many other areas the header was unnecessarily big and the content needed to be scrolled down to, I found this wide space used throughout the theme as a usability issue. So I customized the Elegant Grunge WordPress Theme and also added some new features in the Elegant Grunge Mod version. I plan to add some more functionality soon on this one to make it more customizable i.e. adding built in Google Analytics feature, font changing option and some other stuff. Feel free to suggest ideas….



Download Elegant Grunge Mod



  1. Download the Mod from above (or below if you want to use other versions).
  2. Extract/Unzip it in your WordPress themes directory.
  3. In your wordpress Admins section got to β€œThemes” and click on Activate by selecting β€œElegant Grunge Mod".
  4. That’s it!! You’re done.

Now the Mod will be your running theme. The Mod will be in its own folder and you DO NOT need to merge or Copy/Paste files or replace original files with the Modded one’s. The "Elegant Grunge Mod" itself is a fully functional WordPress theme and is ready to be used like any other WordPress Theme!!!


  • 1.4.2 (2009-05-20)

    • Fix – Header dropping Down on Widescreen monitors.
    • Menu Resized – Now can include 7 links
  • 1.4.1 (2009-05-16)

    • IE Photo Frame support option added. (Check in EGM theme options)
  • 1.4 (2009-05-16)

    • Drop Down Menu added [I got tons of request for this, so there you go πŸ™‚ ]
    • Menu Brought Down below the top banner to improve usability.
    • Search Bar moved to top to save space for widgets in the sidebar.
    • RSS icon added at top.
    • Option Added for Category Drop Down Menu on Top.
    • Support added for Double Right Sidebar.
    • Support added for NO Right Sidebar.
    • Blog font related various change implemented for better readability.
    • IE 8 Fix for header image centering.
  • 1.3 (2009-03-15)

    • Option added to use any overlay plugin for photoblog thumbnails (tested with lightbox, lightview, shadowbox).
    • Fixed, "[/caption]" from appearing in sidebar photoblog thumbnails.
    • Photoframe extended to put caption inside the photoframe.
    • IE new photoframe now appears even without having captions (1.2 required to have caption using IE).
    • Avatar size increased
  • 1.2 (26/02/2009

    • Photo Frames Removed For Internet Explorer and replaced with different frame. This fixes the issue of broken photo frames that appears in Original Elegant Grunge Theme when using Internet Explorer. (check my websites home page in Firefox and IE to see the difference)
    • Maximum Image Size that can appear in a Post is increased.
    • Link Underline on Mouse Hover added to distinguish different Tags and Links.
    • Some font size changed
    • Post area font color darkened for better visibility.
    • Issues:
      • Caption Text is required In Internet Explorer to have the new frames around the picture . (Next release will fix this)
  • 1.1 (21/01/2009)

    • Fix: Header dropping Down on Widescreen monitors.
  • 1.0:

    • Blog post area increased
    • Header area space decreased
    • Option added for excluding links from top Menu
    • Digg.com option added
    • AddThis.com option added
    • Individual Post control for Digg,com and AddThis.com added
    • Post area Font changed with a more readable one
    • Icons added for Author, category, Tags, Comments
    • In many area a lot of space between objects are reduced to make everything more compact in one place unlike the original version where everything was spaced out a lot and was occupying a lot of screen area with less information.

Old Downloads:


  • To add Digg.com to a post just use "Custom Fields" area in the "Edit Post" Page and enter digg with value 1.
  • To add AddThis.com to a post just use "Custom Fields" area in the "Edit Post" Page and enter addthis with value 1.

EGM Adding options

  • To Excluide Links from Top Menu just use the Elegant Grunge Themes Options Menu and enter the Page ID’s seperated by commas in the "Exclude Links from Menu" to exclude links from top menu.
Exclude Links From Top Menu

165 thoughts on “Elegant-Grunge-Mod, Customized Version of the WordPress Theme

  1. I would love to download a copy of this. I love the changes you have made. Please let me know if there is a download link. Thanks!

    1. Hi Patrick,

      Thank you for your interest. I will put up a download link by tomorrow after I finish few more tweaks. Thanks

      1. Thanks. I’m not crazy about the new header where the sides drop down a bit, but beggars can’t be choosy. I love all the other changes.

        1. Looks like you might be making some changes again to reduce those side blocks dropping down? When can I get those files? Let me know. Again, thanks for your work.

          1. Thanks. It’s the double right sidebar template that looks off though. Enable that and see what yours looks like. Mine has the hanging blocks on either side.

  2. The template does not seem to work when you have child pages linked to parent pages. Meaning that in the header, when I hover my mouse over the parent the child page does not show. It does work as a widget in the sidebar, but it would be great in the header. Let me know if that makes sense.

    1. Hi, Yes that is a functionality you can use only with widgets in the sidebar as different people have different choices and that’s why the widgets are made to accommodate those choices. But I can add that functionality permanently in the theme of the header and I think that is a great suggestion but it will involve some work πŸ™‚ and i’ll think of adding it soon I get a chance.

      1. Hi Any update on this feature? This seems to be a major functionality missing in WP and Grunge. What is the normal way for people to navigate to child pages? Must manually embed links to all children on parent page? If your mod had a feature to turn the top level pages at the top into drop down options for their children pages, this would be GREAT!!! πŸ™‚

        1. hey Jeremy, I haven’t had time lately with all the University projects but i’ll take a look into it after the final exams probably in 2-3 weeks.

        2. Thanks Rubayat but I think you need to get your academic priorities in order!

          ..in order..

          1) Partying and drinking beer
          2) Having fun with college co-eds
          3) Working on Elegant Grunge mod to allow parent/children page download, allow moving the bar to below the header instead of above itt, and maybe a categories filter item in the bar as well
          4) exams


          1. hahaha, the order is actually reversed with certain modifications πŸ™‚

            “allow moving the bar to below the header instead of above it” I like this idea and makes sense too.

  3. I like your modifications, but want to know if the header can be changed to show a photo?
    Also, can the header for different pages be different? I’m a wordpress newbie so appreciate your help! Thanks, Bibi

    1. Yes, you can use a photo in the header, which is built into the original design. To change the header for different pages you will actually need to find some sort of script that does that.

  4. I like the tweaks you’ve made, but I’ve been using the EG theme for a while and when trying to incorporate your body width mods, I’m still having trouble getting the body.jpg to line up. Did you have to edit the body.jpg image file as well? Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi Matt,

      Yes, I modified both the body and header along with the footer.jpg files in order to make it wide. I also made a lot of changes in the CSS files and in the PHP files too. I am not sure what kind of problems you are having but if you download from the link above and activate the theme like any other theme it should work without any problem.

  5. Great theme thanks for modding it.

    Is there a way to hide the “Home” page from the top menu? I’m attempting to make the home page a static page and a page called “Blog” with all the posts.

    Problem is when I go to:

    Settings > Reading > A static page

    Then try to set the “Home” page to be static it’s not listed in the drop down as a page.

    So, if I create a page called “Home” then set that to be static it works the way I want… but now there are 2 listings in the top navigation menu for “Home”.

    I’d like to remove the original “Home” and use the page called “Home” that I created instead.

    Any help is appreciated and thanks for the great work. Keep it up.


    1. Hi Joe,

      To remove a page from the Top menu use the new feature that I added “Exclude Links from Top Menu” in the themes option.

      So the original Home will point to your static Home that you created.

      And then you use the “Exclude Links from Top Menu” feature to remove the static “Home” you created.

      1. I am so glad the redirect to my static home page works so well. Thanks πŸ™‚

        I just want to know how to get the title to include “Home” before the “|” character. Currently it displays “| MySite” instead of “Home | MySite”. This goes for the browser’s titlebar and tab name.

        Please advise.

    1. Hi Dan,
      The Contact Form 7 issue you mentioned doesn’t have anything to do with the theme. The issue is with that particular plugin and might solve if you reinstall the latest version of that plugin.

      1. Hi Patrick,

        The Contact Form 7 plugin has the latest version, it works well on other themes, but not on original Elegant Grunge or modified one. By the way, which plugin do you use for contact form?

  6. Hi Rubayat,

    like what you did with the theme. I’m using the same theme and did some modification on the images and text including some css changes.

    I wanted to ask what u change for:

    1. Width – i’ve seen the images but did you do some mod on the css and other files?

    2. Do you know how to completely change the date output the way you put your name and posted categories?


    1. hey Oniee,

      yes, i changed the background along with the css in order to make it wide. i have some new plans that i am thinking to implement soon on this theme to make it more user friendly based on various stats that i have collected from my visitors so far.
      if you want to change the date output you’ll have to modify the PHP programs in the theme.

      Hope this helps πŸ™‚

        1. thanks Rubayat,
          after going through the css, i found what i was looking for. Can’t wait to see your next alteration to the theme

      1. Hi:
        TY so much for replying. Here’s URL: http://the-artistic-garden.com/blog/

        My only tweak to Tyson’s stylesheet is the hyperlinks.

        The only other thing I will bring to your attention is that when I uploaded your files, the fonts were nothing like what you have here on this blog.

        So … that was only other thing that didn’t look good/appear properly.

        Look forward to what you have to say.


        1. hey,
          I don’t see the Mod in use in ur website. Without seeing the problems in use, I can’t really help. Can u put it in a test place and point out the problems? u can also try version 1.1 which doesn’t have new IE photoframes.

          1. Rubayat said: I don’t see the Mod in use in ur website. Without seeing the problems in use, I can’t really help. Can u put it in a test place and point out the problems? u can also try version 1.1 which doesn’t have new IE photoframes.
            Hi again:
            I don’t understand what you mean by saying “I don’t see the Mod in use” … if you mean YOUR mod, correct. i uninstalled it due to the glitches I experienced. Plus I don’t understand how i would “put it in a test place”. You mean install the entire theme with your mod files under another file name? sorry, don’t want to do that right now, if that is what you mean. (told you I am not too savvy on stuff like this.)

            Anyway I will try V1.1 and leat you know.

            Thx again for your help!

          2. Did you get it to work?

            I am not sure how you are doing things but below are the simple steps to installing this mod in to your wordpress:

            1. Download the Mod from above
            2. Extract/Unzip it in your themes directory
            3. In your wordpress Admins section got to “Themes” and click on Activate by selecting “Elegant Grunge Mod”

            Now the Mod will be your running theme and if you don’t like something just go to “Themes” section and reactivate some other theme (you don’t have to remove or uninstall anything). The reason I am writing this is because the way you are describing, seems switching Themes is a very hard job, which it is not!

  7. I’d like to darken the font of posts and pages (without installing your entire modified version of the theme). Is it just a matter of me changing the color in one line of code? If so can you point me to that line?


  8. Hi again Rubayat:
    Sry I am delayed in getting back to you. have been swamped with tending to my business.

    To briefly answer you, I have not yet attempted reinstalling mod. And, I AM aware of how switching themes works. But that doesn’t help me if your mod has “goofed up” certain things in EG. I still have to uninstall your mod files and then reinstall the default EG files if I want to keep EG as my WordPress theme.

    I’ll let you know what happens when I have time to play around with everything again.


  9. Rubayat: OMG … DOH-DUH me! :p

    I was using your mod files to overwrite the existing EG default files … NO WONDER nothing was working correctly for me. DUH (again…lol)

    After re-reading your last message to me again this morning the “oh yeah!” lightbulb went on!!

    Have installed mod 1.1 with SUCCESS. πŸ™‚

    TY TY and sorry for trouble. (I told you I wasn’t 100% technically savvy and I thought I was supposed to replace the files, not add in a whole new theme).

  10. Thanks for modding the template. Many problems I had so far in my first steps of creating anew blog using Elegant Grunge have vanished thanks to your modding. However, when my header.png won’t show and I don’t know what’s wrong there. It did show when I used the original Elegant Grunge

    Thanks for your help

  11. Hi, Great work on this theme, one question what can I do to change the color of the footer strip.(Ash in Color)

  12. You say drop down menu has been added to Mod V.1.4 but the download is V.1.3…or am I missing something here?

    1. Its been added. You will see it in action if you hover your mouse on top of the menu above in this page. But still working on some stuff and after finishing i’ll release it for download.

  13. Hi Rubayat:
    Just installed and then uninstalled Mod 1.4 because I prefer the frames around photos. (Have been using Mod 1.1 because of that.)

    I am sure I’m not only person who’d like to take advantage of upgrades as you make them, but keep the frames feature intact for IE.

    Can you perhaps provide a file or tell me what and where coding can be changed/added in order to keep frames for IE??


  14. I just installed your mod from elegant grunge. Unfortunately I had a big issue, whenever I go to the theme configuration I get an “Invalid Input 2” error :(. Any idea?

    1. not sure why that would happen…..Did u follow the installation procedure properly? can u post a link with a screenshot of that error?

      1. There isn’t really much to see(http://laotracaradelamoneda.com/imagenes/Pantallazo.png). I think the problem might be on the link. It throws me:

        And when using the default theme the generated link for theme config is: http://laotracaradelamoneda.com/blog/wp-admin/themes.php?page=functions.php

        I tried every combination betwen them and after http://laotracaradelamoneda.com/blog/wp-admin/themes.php?page=/blog/wp-content/themes/elegant-grunge/functions.php

        It says: /blog/wp-content/themes/elegant-grunge/functions.php cannot be load.

        I’m lost, I’d never had that kind of mistake.

        1. Please follow the installation instruction properly.

          Your URL shows “elegant-grunge” it should be “modified-elegant-grunge”, if you followed it right…

  15. One of the features I’m looking for in a theme (I’m using the original Elegant Grunge right now, regardless) is the ability to have a featured post. This is probably done with a static home page in some way or another, but I’m not that slick with the coding. πŸ˜‰

  16. Thank you, Rubayat, for the excellent work you have done and for answering our questions.

    I am having a problem because I have six pages that are listed underneath the header. Unfortunately, because the spacing for these page listings in your modification is much wider than the original spacing, the RSS feed is lower than it should be, thereby taking up lots of space. (you can see what I mean at my website: http://www.fourthnight.com

    I was wondering if you know how I might overcome this problem, besides using only 5 pages or less. Would it be possible for you to make the spaces between the names smaller (ie. I am a big fan of practically all of the changes you have made, but I liked the more narrow spacing between page titles of the original Elegant Grunge–also, this widening of the spaces between page titles that you have made, does not seem in keeping with the other changes you have made, considering that your new modified theme is about space efficiency). If I can do so easily by changing the code in the css stylesheet, do you know where I should do that?

    And one last thing, if I am not asking too much here. How do you manage to include your photoblog photos in a strip at the top of your page?

    Thanks for all your help and your fine design work.

    1. Hi Constantine,

      The reason for adding a little bit of extra spacing between page title is to allow longer page titles.

      Space efficiency is not the ultimate goal for EGM but a secondary goal achieved by improving usability. You will notice that in EGM 1.4, post area text are much more spaced out and uses a very standard font that many online news website uses. These are all to improve readability and thus usability :).

      EGM 1.4+ does allow 6 links at the top menu. I think in your website there must be some other kind of conflict happening with some plugins you may have which is bringing the RSS slightly down for some reason…(Javascript or CSS conflict). I just tried with the same pages you have and found no problem.

      I can make those menu links smaller but then it will become more like a commercial site and loose its appeal/personality :)???

  17. Thanks for the explanation, Rubayat. Going for a mix of space efficiency and usability makes perfect sense. I’ll do some exploring and see if I can figure out which of the plugins may be causing the RSS feed to be offset when I use 6 links under the header.

    You’ve really done a great job with this modification. I especially like the wider pages, the narrower header, and the search in the header. I’m looking forward to see how you’ll be updating it in the future.

    I was considering leaving Elegant Grunge for a different theme, but thanks to your efforts, I’ve know got what I want. Much appreciated.

  18. Hey guys, I like what you’ve done w/ EG. I really wanted to move the navigation bar below the header and you solved that issue for me… thanks! I do have a question though.

    Could you help me develop a code so that I can add a logo to the header and have it link back to ‘home’? You can see what I’ve done so far at http://www.unusualmpr.com in modifying the header. Now I’d like to add my company logo to the left side of the header and have it be clickable so that it will bring you back ‘home’ from any page.

    Hope this makes sense to someone.

  19. Thank you for the mod, I like the wider page and Nav placement much better. My question to you is there a way you can help me get this layout even wider? I would like to post images 900px wide and keep the 2nd column the same width?


    1. Currently the images gets scaled down to 600px (without photoframe), if you allow the images to be 900px, it would create horizontal scrolling issues on many computers, which is bad for users.

      Use some kind of plugin instead like Lightview, shadoiwbox?

  20. I can’t seem to get my header image to fit on my website after changing to the modified elegant grunge theme.

    http://www.indiescreet.com/ – you can see the problem here.

    I tried a few things in both the css file and header file but to no avail.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Chris,

      You need to resize your header image so that it fits in the allocated header space. Height allocated for that area is 112px.

    2. Hi Chris

      If your image size is correct, try the following, which may or may not work. Sometimes when I change stuff on my page it also doesn’t show up.

      That’s until I do a full refresh. In other words, skip the cache or (better yet) delete it by clearing the private data. On Firefox, go

      Tools > Clear Private Data -> Cache

      Then reload the page. There should be a similar tool in all other good browsers.

  21. Ok, i managed to move the header into the right place, but now the image below the header has moved, as you can see on my website.

    I managed to get the menu to move up by using,

    #menu {

    but this does not seem to work for the image below the header.

    How can this be moved up?

    Thanks, Chris

  22. I have been scouring the net for more than 26 hours (no sleep) looking for some way to override the default photo frame (post the image clean – as is). I am not a programmer or web developer, so I do not know my way around code, without clear instructions.

    I love this template, but really need to have some images on my site without the frames, as I use my site primarily for business (static pages).

    Firstly, would you please be so kind to provide me with some css to achieve this, as well as which file to put it into? I know it can’t be this difficult, but I can’t find any info as to where or how I can change this for specific images.

    Secondly, I would like to ask if you could consider maybe adding an option to the “Edit page” and “Edit post” panel regarding individual picture settings. Maybe a sheet listing all images included in the page/post with a small box next to each to select whether to turn off the standard formatting.

    I am almost at a point of begging πŸ™ but still won’t change my theme. Please, Rubayat, can you help me?

    1. Hi Michelle,

      To disable photoframe.

      1. log into your WordPress Admin section.
      2. Click on Appearance then Select “Elegant Grunge Mod”
      3. Uncheck “Apply frame to all images”

      Controlling photoframe for individual post can also be done in the page where you Edit a post, look at the very bottom of the page for “Elegant Grunge Theme Option”when you edit a post.

      Doing it for individual picture would really slow down the blog and would require a lot of work to produce those options….

      Get some sleep now πŸ™‚

      1. Rubayat, you are awesome! πŸ˜€

        Thanks so much. Even though I’d still like some sort of individual option for images on pages where I want to use both styles, this is really good enough for me.

        All the best and keep up the excellent work!

        1. Hey Michelle,

          Just remembered a way to control photoframe for individual images :):

          1. Check “Apply frame to all images”
          2. Whichever picture you don’t want frame, go to that pictures Advanced setting section and on the CSS class section write “noframe” without quotes.
          3. This will remove photoframe from that individual picture.

          Check it out here (one of the pic doesn’t have photoframe):

        2. (Your latest comment came through as I was writing this, but it works out the same, from another approach πŸ™‚ )

          Here’s a quick update as to how I got it working exactly the way I wanted to, using only the theme options!

          I went to the theme option you pointed out in your post above. Even though the size of 25px seems not to work correctly (hence my struggle, it now seems, using a 12x14px image) I got a work-around:

          1. I disabled “Apply frame to all images” at main theme panel

          2. I left “Apply frame to all images” unchecked in my “edit page” panel

          3. I changed the image class in the HTML from “size-full wp-image-11” to “frame” for each image where I want the frame

          4. Voila!!

          All this, using only your (already) included theme options. I only found the work-around when you pointed me in the right direction. I read the directions when I installed the theme, yet actually totally missed the meaning first time round.


  23. Hello Rubayat,

    i would like to say that i love your mod themes and i use it. But i have a question did this new themes verison 1.4.2 works with the new WordPress version 2.8?

  24. Hi Rubayat.
    I’m unable to use certain plugins, like Tweet This and PodPress with the Elegant Grunge Mod (same goes for Elegant Grunge) without disabling all image frames because it creates a huge square frame around the small icons.

    I know that I can type the name of the image class under the “Don’t frame images with class” section of Elegant Grunge Mod admin area but I don’t know how to find out what the name of that image class is. I’ve tried typing the name of the plugin there (i.e. “tweet_this” or “podPress”) between commas but all that happens then is that ALL of my image frames get disabled for some reason.

    I can see you’ve gotten a lot of questions about these image frames and I’m sorry to add another but I’ve been dealing with this issue for months now without having found a solution. I assume there’s an easy solution to this, otherwise people wouldn’t be able to use many of the plugins with Elegant Grunge without disabling all frames. Any advice you have would be much appreciated.


  25. Another problem I have now encountered. If you view my page http://www.indiescreet.com/ in IE 7 (not sure about other versions yet) you cannot see the full header image due to it being covered by something.

    Just looking for a way to fix this before I go blindly tweaking lots of things.



  26. Hi Rubayat, great job on the MoD, love what you have done. Can you do me a favor and have a look at my site. Been messing with wordpress for months and really like it but until I found EG and now EGM I was about to give up:)


    “Constraint Properties” not sure if thats the correct term but when I minimize the site in FireFox or IE the body text/photos overlap the the right site. Is this something to do with the template or my settings? Your website is fine so assuming its not the template but wanted to check.

    Also I think this is a a problem with the contact addin page but checkings. The body size is different and when I switch from either page 1,2, 4,5,6 (contact page is 3) the body moves a bit to the left. Is there a way to fix this or could you recommend a addin that works with your Mod?

    Thanks and great job again.

    1. hey DJ,

      This is an interesting catch. Because of the fixed background image that also is used to give an illusion for the sidebar and post separator, Elegant Grunge is constrained with fixed width to match the background image layout exactly.

      So when you resize browser window the background image remains static in its place and the fixed width causes the content to move according to the resized window, that creates overlap. (you meant resize right?)

      Usually people don’t resize while browsing so that doesn’t come as an issue but I have some plans for this which may come in the next release or so…

      your next problem, I am not quite sure but is most likely caused by certain plugins but I don’t see any moving to left issues.

  27. Hello Rubayat,

    I am trying to use the EG theme for my web site and was wondering if you would post the code that I need to fix the photo frame text wrapping issue?


  28. Thank you very very much! Your mod answered everything! I like the Elegant Grunge because of its simplicity. But it also came with problems like you mentioned. Here are things I’ve been spending hours on which your mod solved for me.

    1. too much wasted space on header
    2. “no comments” – I wanted it to be something more obvious and something to suggest to viewers to leave a comment.
    3. So many more icons which are minor but add more life to the theme.

    Good job!

    1. Hi Diana,

      You don’t have anything posted yet, that’s why it shows that message. Post something and it should show the post in the home page.

  29. Hi,

    I’m currently using your modded template. I don’t know if my problem has something to do with your template but I’m posting just in case you can help.

    It’s regarding the widget Recent Comments. I would like it to be in bullets. Because right now, my Recent comments are a bit confusing to read because you won’t know right away where an item starts. Same with my twitter widget.

    1. hey Brian,

      You can change that widgets setting by adding

    2. codes around it and also you can look at the EGM CSS to modify how the sidebar appears. Try looking for something “list-style”. Good luck!
      1. Hi I have a few questions and thanks for modifying the EG theme.
        1: I’d like to remove the RSS image and don’t know how.
        2: I’d like to remove the search bar in the header and don’t know how.
        3: I’d like to add a logo to the header area with the header title/blog info still there. How do you do that?

        Thank you!

        1. Hi Leslie,

          Its basically modifying the php files and removing those sections you mentioned. for your 3rd problem you can create the Logo with header title/info within it, that way you will have everything you want.

      2. The menu in this theme is impossible! I have set my home page to be a static page and a page to have my latest posts on it. All this done in the Raading Settings under Settings. – But I now have both a Home page and the Home page I’ve set in the top menu – both with the same content. Blog page is working though. Please can you assist!

  30. Hi,

    While I was checking at the Appearance > Editor. I noticed this > searchform_google.php What does this do? Is there a google CSE somewhere I can enable? πŸ™‚ Just in time because I want to replace the wordpress search which doesn’t work well.

    1. Hey,

      I created that long time ago and used it in my blog which does uses Googles CSE and I also added the original search bar theme on that. Unfortunately I didn’t add any option to easily enable that feature for the users (was just an experiment) but you can try renaming the searchform.php to something else and searchform_google.php to searchform.php and then enable the search widget, it might work :). let me know…

      1. Hi,

        I decided to have the search box replaced instead of the widget. Everything seems to be working well right now with google search results posted inside my blog.


  31. Hi,

    How do I add a category as a link at the navigation/menu area? Right now I can only add a page and that page becomes a link at the menu. Is there a way for a category to appear as a link at the menu? Sorry, I’m just not good with coding. πŸ˜€

    1. This was posted back in July

      How do I add a category as a link at the navigation/menu area? Right now I can only add a page and that page becomes a link at the menu. Is there a way for a category to appear as a link at the menu? Sorry, I’m just not good with coding. πŸ˜€

      Is there a way to do this?

      1. You will have to reprogram the PHP files. I don’t really see though why one would need a page listing all categories? but yeah you can do it modifying the code.

  32. Hey, love the mod. Question/problem:

    When I add categories to the menu, it’s buggin’ out on me. I’ll get the list, but it will disappear when I mouseover and/or not highlight the options. Special trick of the trade?


  33. Hi Rubayat,
    Thank you for modifying Elegant Grunge theme; even though without the original design you would not be able to tweak it.
    After reading all the response of all the customized version, none of them answer my problems as I know nothing about coding:
    1. By design there was no comment form on the pages only on posts. I would like to have comment form and show it off at the end of the page like with standard wp design theme. How could I do this?
    2. At the end of my “Home” page entries always appear with a white blank framed box, at first it’s because of the malfunction of the original EG design, and I changed it into the mod design but it still there. How could I fix this?
    3. I love your latest design in every way, except that I don’t want to have the search bar attached to the header, can I do this? Or should I use the older mod version?

    1. Hi Nins,

      1. I will add it in the next release (its complicated).
      2. Edit your last post OR it is some plugin that is putting a small pic there which is causing the frames, you can also disable frames.
      3. You can remove it by modifying the PHP code, I will add an option in the next release.

      I will gather more requests like yours and hopefully sometime in future I will release the “next release”.

  34. Hi Rubuyat!

    thanks for the great work!

    I only have a small problem: When I want to save the options in the themes’ option menu, I get a “Error! Options page not found.”-message.
    Most probably it is, because I’m using WordPressMU…

    Do you have any solution or hotfix for this issue?


    1. Hi,

      Unfortunately I don’t have WPMU installed. I will have to install WPMU to check and provide a fix for that. In the meantime, If you find a fix, please feel free to post here.


        1. That idea seems to be modifying WP core files and is intended for plug ins.

          I think it can be done modifying the Theme itself without tempering with WP files. I will have to look around though. If you have time, try comparing a MU theme and this one. See if you can figure out what needs to changed in EGM. Please post back if you get it done.

          1. I’m having the same issues with WordPress MU as well. The original Author of wordpress MU is no longer supporting the theme which is fine because I like your MOD better anyway πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

            Anyway, I’m getting the same error as holyolli:

            “Error! Options page not found.”

            Any help would be great!

  35. Hey there,
    I like the look of this, but before I install, I thought I’d double-check on something.
    Given that it is not a copy/paste overwrite, is it possible to revert back to the “normal” EG theme if your mod isn’t suitable?
    Thanks for the mod (and for answering the Q’s).

  36. Hi Rubayat:
    Two things –

    #1) Right now your site is totally wacko in IE7. Dark grey background, columns all over the place, etc. Perhaps you justed tweak some code that IE7 doesn’t like?? But it’s OK in Firefox. Thought you’d want to know. πŸ˜‰

    #2) Regarding the more command. Though I like the idea of the way it looks graphically (I am aware it’s a .png image), I do not like the large size nor the fact it ends up down below a post and pushed over to the left.

    How do I override that, in order to put a simple bit of text (i.e. Read more ….) at the end of the last sentence where the command is placed as is usually found on most blogs?

    Or … if there is a way to keep the nice graphic, but make it smaller and coded to be in line with the last sentence, then fine.

    Thanks in advance if this is a tweak you can easily do at this time!

  37. Greetings,

    Is there a way or could you make a way to
    1) In the top menu dropdowns, Make it so Page headers can’t be clicked. Example, I have a page, with two children.. i want the children to be clickable, but not the parent they belogn to (liek categories if you have it enabled)

    2) make it so you can use photoblog tag or theme photoblog functions in pages (only seem to work in postS)

    Thanks.. great work!

  38. I totally love this theme but am having the options page issue with MU. Have you come up with an easy fix for someone who has not coding ability? I also love your modified version, perfect for an elementary group of students using primary sources.. thx janet

    1. Hi Janet,

      The fix probably will be very easy but I have to install MU and do testing. I am outside the country right now and as soon as I get some time i’ll fix it with some more updates. Thnx

  39. Have you noticed that when you view the site in less than full-size, the theme’s layout is screwed up? I use this theme on my blog as well and that’s how I noticed it originally.

  40. Hi Rubayat,

    I’m really loving the changes you’ve made with the modified EG theme but have three small cosmetic things that I can’t figure out how to fix.

    I’m sorry to bother you here but I’ve looked in the WP forums and am not getting much help from them at all. (Most of the answers given there assume that I am at a certain high level of expertise and that’s not true, unfortunately)

    These little issues have been addressed in other posts here, but your answer to ‘modify the php code’ is too general to help me much. I’m not a complete .css rookie but do need a little more guidance. (I’m hoping that I am pitiful enough, you will be moved to help me out here.. Is it working? B-)

    Anyway, my questions are:

    1- I want to get rid of the search box in the header altogether. I’ve removed all the search code I could find in style.css but all it’s done is move it. Help! Do I need to delete the search php or something?

    2- Same prob with the RSS png in the header.I deleted the png but now have the RSS link sitting there. How do I get rid of the silly thing?

    2- I would like to make the font smaller in the menu bar on the header but after messing up the search box and rss issues, I don’t want to touch it. I just need some help on what to edit.

    My url is http://www.bodybubbles.com if you need to see what I’m talking about.

    Thanks for the great “tune up” on an already great theme and thanks in advance for your help.


  41. Hey again, Just wanted to say that I FINALLY figured out where to look for the rss and search code to edit and solved my problem. FYI other people out there…it’s in the header.php file. B-)

    Still not touching the menu font size issue so could use the help.

    Thanks again for the great mods!


    1. Hi Buffy,

      Thanks for your comment :). Glad that you figured out the stuff by yourself. I think you also figured out the font size issue, its in the style.css file -> look for:

      #menu a {
      font-size: 16px;

      That will change the font size, hope this helps.

  42. You zips are all corrupted. I’ve tried downloading 1.4-1.4.2 and none are able to be opened by Windows Zip utility or even 7zip.

    1. Actually cancel that. If I click on the download link on the top left it works fine, but I was right clicking on the file icons themselves. It would download the zip file which was properly named but it would be corrupted. Very weird.

  43. First, I really like this theme and particularly like how you have modified it. In the image you show of the modified theme, it appears nice and wide, just the way I would like it. But once downloaded and installed, it looks the same as the original, lots of wasted space on each side. Can you give me any advice please?


  44. Hi
    Just a follow up to my previous question. I wanted to see what the images looked like without the “photo frame” around them but I can’t seem to put the frames back on. I have clicked and saved the radio button but it won’t work. I deleted the theme and reloaded it but it still does not show up. Any help would be appreciated. I really want to use this theme, it has a great look.

    1. Hi Stew,

      I think your monitor is wide screen which effectively producing in both side of the theme with a lot more empty spaces than the pic above. From its original structure this theme is a fixed-width theme because of its nice background, so if your monitor is really wide the theme will compensate the extra width with empty spaces.

      And I think your WP setup on the server has some problems which is causing the themes options not working properly or try turning off caching features in your WP.

      1. Thanks Rubayat
        I have already disabled the cache and I had completely deleted all files on the server and then reloaded WP and re-imported all my posts from blogger but it made no difference. I’m wishing that I had never disabled the frames just to be curious!

          1. Hi Rubayat, sorry for the slow response.
            I really don’t know what caused the problem but I ended up deleting the old database and creating a new one. Once I installed your theme again is works fine.

            Thanks again for this modified theme, it is exactly what I wanted.

  45. Greetings, I used the Elegant Grunge theme for quite awhile and loved it, however, for many reasons I have decided to go with the Thesis theme because of functionality. Still, I miss the look of the Elegant Grunge. I mostly miss the photo frames. They are outstanding. Is there some way I can get the Elegant Grunge frames to work with Thesis? Also, the photoblog feature in the side bar is excellent. I’d love to be able to use that feature. Have you considered making an Elegant Grunge theme available for Thesis? In the mean time, is there some code for those great frames that I could use? I’d appreciate your time and energy.


    1. Hi Carla,

      I haven’t really looked into Thesis. There is no way to separate certain sections of the code for the photo-frame, its mixed in various parts but the main trick is done in the css file, if you want to look into it. It would take some time to integrate it into your theme but I can do it for you, please msg me if you are interested.

  46. Hey I still LOVE this theme, but had a question.

    I want to add a shopping cart to my site and was going to go with wp e-commerce for the plug-in…so is there something I need to modify for the use of a shopping cart for this theme?


    1. hey,

      hmm not sure about wp e-commerce. I would say try it and see if it works :)? they probably have some instructions there too. Let me know.

  47. Do you know anything about the header not centering when opened in IE? I’m working on a demo for a friend and the custom header I created is centered on all other browsers. IE, however, makes it go left, yet leaves everything else (menu, content, etc.) centered.

  48. Hi! I love the mods you’ve made to Elegant Grunge. The huge amount of white space in the other version bothered me a lot but I loved the simplicity so much that I put up with it. I do have one issue that I can’t quite figure out. I’ve been using Custom Fields to track various metrics and in the other version of EG the Custom Fields always showed up on the top of every post. Your version doesn’t seem to do that, but I really want it. Is there a non-painful way to get them back?


    1. Hi Coral,

      I don’t see the custom fields appearing in the Original theme, I don’t know how yours is showing. But if you want them appearing in the eGm, add
      in the php source code, that will display those fields.

  49. Great work on this mod, really appreciated. Just one question and it’s probably a relatively straight forward one.I’d like to reduce the size of the sidebar, giving more room for the main blog post. Can you point me in the right direction to change this? I’ve tried but it seems to break the formatting due to how the graphics are laid out.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Hi,

      In order to reduce the size of the Sidebar you will have to modify the graphics, CSS, Menu, basically the whole structure of the theme. You modify one without the other its going to break down.


  50. I am new to wordpress and I love the EG theme, however I am having an issue. How do I get the comments area to show up so people can leave a comment?

  51. Hi Rubayat
    I have been using this theme for several months now and still really like it. (thanks again for your previous help when I was first setting up). I am wondering if you have tested it to see if it plays well with WP 3.0. I am reluctant to upgrade if there are any issues.

    Thanks in advance

  52. I love the mod…two things, though…
    What size should my header image to upload be? I uploaded one 880 px wide, and it’s not showing anything.

    How do I get the archives, meta, etc, to disappear from the sidebar? I don’t have them in my widgets. Thanks!

  53. Love the modified theme! However, I’m having an issue. I cannot access the theme options. Every time I try to click on the link, it just refreshes the page I’m currently viewing. I can’t change the header or layout without it – any suggestions?

  54. Dear Rubayat, I’m new to wordpress and i love the EG mod. good job for the mod. I’m facing a problem after i’ve activated this theme. The share post is working but the thumbnail is the orange RSS feed img and also the wrong text. i have tried many Share plugin but the problem still existed. Please help =(

  55. Thank you so much for this mod. Its great.

    I have one problem, I dont want second level subpages in the dropdown top level menu.

    Am I making sense? This issue is driving me crazy, hope someone can help.

    1. Hi Alan,

      I don’t remember the exact size at this moment but with double side nav bar, I think 400px Γ— 300px. With single Side nav bar you can try experimenting to see what best works.


  56. Hollo,

    I down loaded your theme but for some reason can’t get the drop down menu to work on anything but the categories menu.

    Can you tell me how to make the drop down work? Better yet just tell me how to do a drop down on the original theme, as that I all I really want to change on it.

    Plus I like the feature of not displaying certain menus. But it seems if the menus function where to work you could control all that from the menus.

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best, Andrew

  57. Please add all of the WP 3.1 postformats and make the commentsection more compact. Also a a wider collumn for the blogroll would be nice .. 670 px e.g.

  58. wondering if you can help out. Working on this theme, but not with your mods.
    The header doesn’t display centered in some versions of IE, but works fine with FF and IE6.

    Any suggestions ?

  59. Hey!
    I love your theme, the mod works perfect. However I’m struggling with one thing. Suddenly the no-sidebar template doesn’t work like it’s supposed to. Well technically it does , but graphical it don’t. You still see the graphics of the sidebar.

    How do I fix this. The no-sidebar template looks exactly like it should be.

  60. It’s possbile to move the double sidebar, one to left e one to right with the content at center?


  61. Really like the modified elegant grunge theme. Need some help though…there is a green image at the bottom of most of the pages that I can’t seem to find in the code to eliminate it. Not sure if it is part of how the background was designed or ???. I would greatly appreciate any help. I have tried all that I can.


  62. Hi there, just wondering how I could make the RSS feed symbol smaller…a wee bit on the obese side! My skills are rookie like aswell so details would be very much welcome.
    Great mod mate!

  63. Hi,

    i’m stuck with your added icons before “The Author” and “Tags” etc. Where is that Code? I want the icons gone. I really like your modifications, but i do not want the icons to show up. Glad if you can help me.

  64. Hi, Elegant grunge works great for my site but I want to include some of your mods. How could I add the navigation drop downs to the original Elegant Grunge? Many Thanks Scott

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