Infolinks Ad Integration WordPress Plugin

The Infolinks Plugin for WordPress 2.9++.

Infolinks In-Text Advertising are the double underlined links you will see in this website. This plugin enables you to integrate infolinks In-Text Advertising in one click!


  • Control whether or not to integrate in-text advertising in comments.
  • Control whether or not to integrate in-text advertising in contents/post of your website.
  • Add any customization provided by the infolinks website during integration.
  • Individual post control for turning Ads ON/OFF in a particular post.
  • Most importantly, the plugin is very small and only executes 2 calls to integrate it to wordpress thus making it very FAST!! Unlike other plugins which clutters with too many options and eventually contributes to the slow down of WordPress.


DOWNLOAD Infolinks Ad Wrap @Wordpress.


  • 1.0.2
    • Fixed – Escaping quotes with backslash
  • 1.0.1
    • XHTML validation updated

Example Usage:

In order to change various colors and customize the Ads, you can put the following lines in the text/code section of the plugin as shown in the above screenshot.

<script type="text/javascript">

 var infolink_pid = 16915;

 var infolink_link_color = '009900';

 var infolink_title_color = '252667';

 var infolink_ad_link_color = '24951E';


<script src="" 


To Use more advance features please look below for details.

Look & Feel Parameters

The following parameters enable you to control the color scheme of the Infolinks in-text ads on each page of your website, as well as the content in their resulting ad bubbles. Colors are represented by RGB Hex codes. For example, to represent the color Red you would use ‘FF0000’, making sure the value is surrounded by apostrophes.

Visit Wikipedia for more information on mapping colors to their equivalent RGB Hex codes.

Infolinks Link Color: infolink_link_color

The infolink_link_color var defines the color of the text and double underline hyperlinks for all keywords or phrases that have been converted into Infolinks in-text Links on a web page. The default value is set to: infolink_link_color = ‘009900’;

Infolinks Ad Title Color: infolink_title_color

The infolink_ad_title_color var defines the color of the title in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_title_color = ‘252667’;

Infolinks Ad Text Color: infolink_text_color

The infolink_ad_text_color var defines the color of the main text in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_text_color = ‘000000’.

Infolinks Ad Link Color: infolink_ad_color

The infolink_ad_link_color var defines the color of the advertiser’s URL that appears in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_ad_text_color = ‘24951E’;

Behavior Parameters

The following parameters enable Publishers to customize the behavior of the Infolinks in-text ads on each page of their website, including their content and display setting

Number of Infolinks Ads per Page: infolink_anow

The infolink_anow var defines the maximum number of words or phrases that may be converted into Infolinks in-text ads on a single page of a publisher website. The more text in the page the more in-text ads you can mark. For example, to limit the number of Infolinks ads to 5, the value is set to Infolink_anow = 5;


Publisher Content Category: infolink_cat

The infolink_cat var enables the publisher to specify a category that best describes the content of their website. While this parameter is optional, specifying the proper content category can significantly improve the relevancy of the Infolinks in-text ads on the webpage.

For example, to set your category to sports use: infolink_cat = ‘Sports’

Possible content categories include:

Kids & Teens

Double or Single Underline Hyperlinks for Infolinks Ads: infolinks_double_underline

The infolinks_double_underline var defines whether to use single or double underline hyperlinks for all keywords or phrases that have been converted into Infolinks in-text ads on a web page. Setting the parameter to “true” will cause double underline hyperlinks. Setting the parameter to “false” will cause single underline hyperlinks. The default value is set to: infolinks_double_underline = true;

Infolinks Ads Placement Control: <!–INFOLINKS_ON–> and <!–INFOLINKS_OFF–>

The <!—INFOLINKS_ON—> and <!—INFOLINKS_OFF—> placement tags enable the publisher to control which     areas of     the web page will display Infolinks in-text ads and which areas will not. Inserting an “On” comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to search that section of HTML normally for ad phrases. Inserting an “Off” comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to skip forward through the HTML to the next “On” comment or to the end of the code – whichever comes first.

Please feel free to comment or suggest ideas!

40 thoughts on “Infolinks Ad Integration WordPress Plugin

  1. Hey its not working for me when i click save it inserts weird forwards slashes in the code, which makes it not work

    <script type=\”text/javascript\” src=\”

    1. What version of WordPress are you using? and what is your PHP version?

      I suspect it’s “magic quotes”, which is a feature of PHP which automatically escapes content with a backslash is causing that problem. Older wordpress version has this feature turned on and could be the cause of this problem.

      1. We are also receiving the error where the script gets escaped <script type=\”text/javascript\” src=\”

        We have wordpress 2.7.1 installed with PHP 5 …. please guide.


  2. Tried this plug-in and just adding script in manually and infolinks won’t show at all – anyone any ideas how to get infolinks working (Kontera was so much easier!)

    1. All you need to do is:

      1. You must have 2.7++ WordPress installed
      2. get the scripts from
      3. install this plugin
      4. put the scripts you got in (2) and put it in the plugin’s option.

  3. Thanks for the plugin.
    I used Kontera plugin to run kontera ads.
    Now as I registered for Infolinks also. I was searching for such plugin to use & integrate Infolinks ads on my another site.

  4. Hi. Tried the plugin with 2.7.1 and I got the same slash problem. However, other input boxes (like those in Headspace) do not have the issue. Is there a way to have the plugin ignore the magic quotes? I got around it by adding the script to my footer manually, but I’d much rather have the plugin

  5. I initially was creating blogs with just adsense and some plr articles but that doesn’t seem to make much money. I’d be interested in some article writing – do you outsource?

  6. I followed your procedure but your script showming me nothing in the content but showing your code at the bottom after the “LEAVE A REPLY” box. Where is the problem? I am using wordpress 2.8

  7. Thanks for the plug-in. How can I turn off the ads from my home page and header? I tried adding the to start of my header.php and in single-post.php. However, I still get the ads in my header and main page.

  8. I’m just curious as to whether or not this version of the plug-in will work with WordPress 2.8? At the moment, I can’t seem to get either the plug-in working or manual injection. InfoLinks does not want to work. Any ideas?

  9. Thanks for this…was having a miserable time trying to manually insert the code in the footer.php file. Don’t know why, but it just would not work.

  10. I have just joined infolinks and installed the plugin and put in the code given but nothing seems to have happened. Nothing showing under edit posts for controlling infolinks and no infolinks showing on any posts. I am using 2.9.1 wordpress?

    1. There should not be any option under edit posts. All options are controlled using various codes provided by infolinks that you put in the “Infolinks Ad Wrap” section in the Settings pane.

  11. I tried your plugin, but it return with error when I put infolinks code on it, “While trying to retrieve the URL:

    The following error was encountered:

    Read Error
    The system returned:

    (104) Connection reset by peerAn error condition occurred while reading data from the network. Please retry your request. ” my wp is 2.9.2 version

    1. The <!—INFOLINKS_ON—> and <!—INFOLINKS_OFF—> placement tags enable the publisher to control which areas of the web page will display Infolinks in-text ads and which areas will not.

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